
You are my King and my God, who decrees victories for Jacob.  (Psalm 44:4) NIV

V I C T O R Y……this was the name of the cheer I was asked to perform many years ago when I was trying out for the cheerleading squad.  It went like this… Our goal is high, our aim to win with A C T I O N, Victory, Victory Victory team!  The victory was mine!  I won my place on the squad. 

Hindsight makes it easy when you get older, to look back and see how God has orchestrated events over time, that have molded your personality and shaped you like a well worn shoe into the comfortable places of your life. 

Think about it.  When you were really young you never had to do anything other than participate in life for things to unfold, for people to come and go, life just ebbed and flowed. If you were blessed with a good family life, innocence and trust in your parents were all that was required.  You got up in the morning and “carpe diem”, you seized the day, all day, everyday.  You lived life to the fullest, with all the gusto you could muster or were allowed to muster and great memories were in the making.  

Cares?? Anxiety?? Stress??  These were never part of the stretch of the day until you hit your teens and life seemed to take on a new dimension…you could call it “self-awareness” also known as “selfishness” or “creative thinking” also known as “having it your way”  or “agreeing to disagree” also known as rebellion. Suddenly the carefree days became filled with thoughts, thoughts, and more thoughts that generally were in complete contrast to whatever your parents were thinking or saying. And so it went…life became more and more complex..the more you sought to take control, make your own decisions, go your own way….the more cares, anxiety and stress entered into your lifestream.

When you finally reach adulthood, you realize that you are the sum of all the decisions you have made up to this point. If you haven’t made it to this point, then take note…

The thing is this…God is still conducting His orchestra, He is still creating events and moving us in an attempt to get pus where He has intended us to be all along.  As an adult, God asks us to live our lives the same way we did when we were children.  Jesus gave his life on the cross so that we can be innocent again, and now we can put our trust in Him.

Some of us understand that it is best to give control over to Him to ensure better outcomes in our lives.  We allow Him to be King and decree victories, whilst others are still in the “self-awareness”, “creative thinking” or “agreeing to disagree” stages.  

I have a new found freedom.  I don’t have to be the one that decides what is best for me because I have a life coach, a consultant and an image maker that goes ahead of me and behind me to smooth out the rough places and make my pathway straight (Proverbs 3:6; 11:5).  

If my enemy sends his minions to try to make trouble for me, I can always rely on my coach to be right beside me to guide me through the situation and provide the right outcomes.  The key to successful outcomes is to step aside and let Him do His thing!!! (Isaiah 59:21); Deuteronomy 33:27)

Looking back, my VICTORY cheer had the right formula.  Set your goals high and aim to win with action.  The first action is to give it all to God and the second is to get out of His way and wait on Him, remembering that the victory belongs to Jesus…..He has already won the battle for His team.

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1 Response to Victory

  1. says:

    Good one Sis! #I’mnotinchargeofoutcomes!


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